“At Camp Wonder, every child is welcomed with open arms and an open heart”
“Over the years, I have had the privilege of guiding numerous clients through their developmental journeys, but seldom have I encountered an environment as profoundly inclusive and nurturing as Camp Wonder. Having been actively involved in this field for over 15 years, the unparalleled sense of belonging and individualized engagement that Camp Wonder offers stands out as a beacon of hope and progress.
At Camp Wonder, every child is welcomed with open arms and an open heart. From the moment they step into this magical space, they are embraced by an environment that not only recognizes but celebrates their unique needs and potential. The camp's dedication to creating a sense of belonging is palpable, allowing children to feel an immediate connection and acceptance within the community. This inclusivity is not just about being present; it's about being actively involved, valued, and understood.
The level of individualized attention and care at Camp Wonder is something I have seldom seen matched elsewhere. Regardless of the barriers a child may face, the team at Camp Wonder skillfully incorporates them into a wide array of fun, engaging, and educational activities. It is a place where limitations are redefined as opportunities for growth and exploration. Witnessing children, who might struggle in more conventional educational settings, fully participate and thrive with the support of the Opal team and their peers is nothing short of miraculous.
Perhaps one of the most heartwarming outcomes of Camp Wonder is the formation of genuine friendships among the children. These bonds go beyond the typical interactions; they form a vibrant support network where children uplift one another, celebrate successes, and encourage each other to venture out of their comfort zones. It is a testament to the camp's ethos of fostering mutual respect, understanding, and camaraderie among its attendees.
The serene, engaging, and inclusively designed environment of Camp Wonder is a rare find. It is a sanctuary where neuro-divergent children can truly flourish, surrounded by a community that understands and champions their unique perspectives. Based on my extensive experience in the field, I wholeheartedly recommend Camp Wonder to any family seeking a supportive, enriching, and inclusive setting for their child.
Camp Wonder is not just a camp; it is a lifeline for many families, including those I work with. It offers more than just respite; it provides a transformative experience that enriches the lives of all who are part of its community. The impact of Camp Wonder extends far beyond the summer months; it sows the seeds of confidence, friendship, and belonging that continue to grow and flourish in every child's life.
In closing, I urge our funders and stakeholders to recognize the invaluable service Camp Wonder provides. It is a place where barriers are dismantled, and every child is given the chance to shine in their own unique way. Your support can help ensure that this remarkable camp continues to be a beacon of hope and inclusion for many more children and families in the years to come.”
Alisha Gainforth, BCBA
“I am writing this short testimony to shed light on Opal Family Services' amazing summer program. This will be our daughters third summer attending Camp Wonder and she cannot wait. Camp Wonder is unique in so many ways. Not only does this camp provide respite for families with children with disabilities but it also helps facilitate authentic friendships in an inclusive environment. When our daughter first arrived in New Brunswick we were at a loss; we wanted her to make friends and to feel included but we did not feel comfortable with typical programming. We have now found our second home with Opal and Camp Wonder. When we drop her off we know she is going to have fun in a safe space with trained staff. We can't wait for Camp Wonder 2024!”
“We find this program really helpful, because without it, our child would not have anything to do in the summer. I am certain there are many other children in the same situation. Other programs are not equipped to assist children with special needs. We know that once we leave our child in Opal's care she will be well looked after.”
“Being able to participate in activities and enjoy outings with her peers, friends, and young program workers has been a truly uplifting experience for our child. For a young teenage girl, being able to "hang out" with her friends and other young people is so important. Without this program, she has no options but to do activities with her younger siblings and her parents. Like other teenagers, she loves the sense of bonding with peers that this program gives her.
Our child is acutely aware that other teenagers are independent and have the freedom to have experiences separate and without parental involvement and supervision. This program gives our child and children like her, the ability to have these same types of experiences that other typically developmental teenagers have. It gives her a true sense of accomplishment and pride in her own abilities. She is filled with confidence and a sense of being "just like everyone else." If we are going to educate society to be inclusive and treat our children like every other young person, it is important to give our children the opportunity to have these same experiences. This program gives that to our children.”
“We have joined many organizations, clubs and groups throughout his years with us. None, not one, gets close to providing inclusivity as OPAL”
“I would like to take this opportunity to communicate how inclusive, important, and special the programs that OPAL coordinates on a daily, weekly and yearly basis, are not only to my family but to our communities!
My son has attended many of their programs, including 'Kids club', summer day camps, overnight camps and many other special events.
I am truly hopeful that the words in this testimonial can properly explain how essential these programs are to my son and to others. My son's primary diagnoses is FASD, along with ADHD, trauma, anxiety and depression.
To say that it has been difficult to find programs that are 'truly' inclusive would be an understatement. We have joined many organizations, clubs and groups throughout his years. None, not one, gets close to providing inclusivity as OPAL. My son's symptoms show up as negative behaviors. The staff at OPAL do not take his behaviors personally. They treat him through a trauma filled lens, use the glass half full analogy and take on every challenge with respect and kindness.
My son is unable to apply for other supports within the community, example: daycare, because he needs one-on-one ratio. OPAL offers this. He needs skilled professionals that are inclusive. OPAL offers this. Most of all he needs to feel safe and have his neurodiversity celebrated and accepted. OPAL offers this.
When I ask my son about his experience with the overnight camping in New River Beach, he says it was one of the best experiences in his life and he can't wait to go back!
He now feels like OPAL is a part of his everyday life, he is accepted for all that he does and all that he is. For this, I want to say thank you, but those two words don't seem to be a sufficient way to explain the impact they have had in our lives.”
“The volunteers there know him, and know how to communicate with him, and most importantly he is with his peers and friends!”
“Our son is 24 years old. He has cerebral palsy, he is non-verbal autistic, and has intellectual delays. His interests align more to a 5 year old than to a 24 year old. He is very social though, and very intelligent!!
Ever since he was very little, he always seeked out attention and to socialize with others. It is very hard for him though, given he is non-verbal and in wheelchair. He uses his communication device as well, but it is hard to hear sometimes, and it takes patience from others to allow him the time to type out what he wants to say. He has a million questions he wants to ask others, but not a lot of opportunity to do so.
A lot of his negative behaviours stem from the lack of socialization he gets.
When he graduated high school, the opportunity to socialize with peers his age dropped to about nothing. He goes to Rotary camp one week a year. He is with his aide throughout the day at work (Seed the Need) and at home with his family at night and weekends.
He cannot just go out and hang with his friends, like he sees his brother doing.
The Opal Drop In night, is his chance once a week to go ‘hang out with his friends’
It means so much to him and his family. It is a night he is not isolated with just his aide and family.
The volunteers there know him, and know how to communicate with him, and most importantly he is with his peers and friends.
Thank you for all that you do! We appreciate it more than words can convey.”
“I have always felt included every night I joined the group. I have always struggled to fit in and make friends and get along in society. I don’t have many friends to speak of outside of group. Every time I go to group, I feel welcomed and accepted for the person that I am even when a lot of people would look down on me for being different. You can generally see participants faces light up with smiles from walking into a safe space where everyone feels accepted for who they are. Groups like these are a blessing. It gives people who are shunned by society a safe space to be themselves and feel welcomed and loved.”
“Opal drop in is one of the few outings he can do now comfortably. He enjoys it and benefits so much from this program. The friendships he has made and especially the social skills aspect of the group are critical to his well-being. He becomes more talkative and engaging during and after Opal, which is huge for him. Giggling and smiling like no other time. Opal has helped him verbally and developmentally. We have benefited so much from Opal throughout the last 20 plus years! I will never forget that it was a worker with Opal who taught him to sit from laying down when he was toddler. She never gave up trying to teach him. I don’t know what I would have done without them and their great programs throughout the years.”
“This activity is an essential part of my sister's week. She is 46 years old and has Down Syndrome. She benefits tremendously from this social interaction with her friends and peers. My family and I are always looking for caring individuals who show empathy and compassion for people with disabilities. Many of us take socializing with friends for granted. It is not always easy for people with ID to feel part of a community and Opal is a safe and happy place for my sister and her friends. Jill Sparrow and her team of volunteers do an amazing job with this group. Opal was an invaluable connection over the pandemic which was especially isolating for folks with disabilities. Jill made an effort to connect virtually and my sister's eyes lit up when she saw her familiar friends on zoom. It took real energy to keep that going during such a stressful time, a testament to the commitment of Jill and Opal.”
“Our daughter has been an active participant in this program for many years. All of the activities offered her crucially important opportunities to meet, interact with and enjoy the company of peers. I should also note that various for-profit respite providers have entered the scene locally. While this may have created the perception that the range of friendship opportunities has been expanding in our community…the reality is that nothing comes close to equaling the kind of quality involvement and engagement offered to her through the Opal Drop in.”
“As the mother of an adult child with ID, I have found this program extremely effective in providing their clients with social interactions that are not available anywhere else. My daughter has learned so much and developed social skills that had been lacking before she accessed this program. She is now an outgoing and socially capable person. During the pandemic, Jill went so far as to hand deliver project material to clients all over the city so they could still get together. Without the programs at Opal, there would be a lot of families in the area with disabled family members that would be struggling to get services and social interaction for them.”
“My 21-year-old son has an intellectual disability. He has struggled throughout his life, to make connections and to fit in. As a result, he has struggled with loneliness, shame, and depression, and a lack of confidence. He was introduced to the Opal Drop-In Social group through a fellow bowler at Special Olympics. Since joining the group, he has come out of his shell. He has formed friendships, gained confidence, and is the happiest he has ever been. The group has been life changing for him, and for our family.”
“We just wanted to thank you again, for inviting us to your Young Adult’s group. We really enjoyed the activities, as well as the social interactions and the energy of the group. Everyone was so kind and welcoming. We look forward to attending each week.”
“There is nothing quite as humbling and rewarding as seeing your hard work transform the lives of many. One way to accomplish this is by volunteering at non-profit organizations in your local community. By bringing volunteerism and activism to a local level, you can see the type of impact, positive effect, and change your time is providing. Such is the case while volunteering with Opal.
Please realize that volunteering is not the same feeling you get from simply donating money to a cause. Monetary donations allow non-profits to continue to provide their services; however, getting involved with these organizations directly facilitates a different type of value. Seeing the difference I am making firsthand by volunteering with Opal, a non-profit that dedicates its time to the improvement and lives of others, is something that cannot be put into words.
Once I started volunteering with Opal, it opened a whole new world of people and experiences for me. I soon realized that this group has been socially isolated and marginalized since birth. It’s a shame really. While attending the Adult Drop-In (since 2019), I’ve fostered many friendships with our clients who miss me when I’m unable to attend. Likewise, I miss them when I’m not there and always look forward to seeing them when we can reconnect.
This non-profit aligns with my passions and interests, which makes the experience even more rewarding. Throughout the process, I’ve gained knowledge regarding my social intelligence and can’t imagine my life without the weekly meetings. I would expect that without this program, there would be a real void in our clients’ lives. What a shame that would be!
While I am making a difference in the lives of many through volunteering, there are numerous personal benefits to working with Opal. Through this volunteer experience, my life has been transformed in the best way possible, creating an entirely new outlook on my life. So, while the work I am doing is, first and foremost, helping the people involved in the organization, I also feel personally rewarded and have a new level of life satisfaction. I think this could be something that would bring more positivity and happiness into anyone’s life who is receptive, since you learn more about others and gain valuable knowledge you can use in other situations.
As mentioned earlier, getting involved with Opal has allowed me to see the impact, social benefit, and change that I can make with my own eyes. This makes my volunteer work much more unique because I can directly see how the hours I dedicate are making a real difference. It also creates a stronger sense of belonging within my neighborhood since I am showing that I am looking out for other people's lives who are at a disadvantage.
A 2011 study found that volunteering locally has an incredible social impact on local communities. Volunteerism has been shown to strengthen social connections, build strong, safe, and cohesive communities, enhance civic engagement, and provide public goods and services that the government does not provide.
In more recent times, in the past 3–4 years, my mom has retired as a schoolteacher and has come and volunteered with Opal. She has told me that she has learned so much and gained a better sense of purpose. We all know that when you start to get older, you experience a higher risk of isolation and loneliness. Volunteering is the perfect outlet for older adults who have recently retired or have a significant amount of time on their hands. Dedicating time and commitment to a cause, such as Opal, increases your sense of worth and purpose. Knowing that your work is contributing to a forward-moving organization combats feelings of low self-worth. I gather that my mom can’t imagine her life without how this group has enriched her day-to-day existence. She looks forward to the weekly meetings. No matter who you are or what you are dealing with personally, there are plenty of ways that you can give your life new meaning by helping other people and making a positive impact in your community.”
“Let me start this by stating the staff and volunteers that allow OPAL to put on the programs that they do are amazing people. They go above and beyond at every turn. The world is a better place with these people in it.
Our daughter has been involved with the adult drop in for over a decade now and still gets excited to see the next month’s schedule. The social experience she gets, not only with her friends but with the longtime volunteers, new volunteers, and one time special guests is irreplaceable. During these evening events life lessons are experienced through a group of caring people that make it an enjoyable time.
The new program that brings our loved ones together a morning or two a week has allowed OPAL to teach a more intense life lesson plan based program. We as parents appreciate this as it reinforces what we teach at home which sometimes is more accepting by our loved ones.
We as parents offer an overwhelming thank you to everyone involved with OPAL. You are truly very special individuals brought together to shine.”